Many of us know that spotting morel mushrooms is a tricky task. However, many of us would still like to find MORE of these scrumptious little guys wouldn't we?
This article will help you!
Have you ever noticed that Morels always seem to “jump out” at you suddenly, but you never see them out of the corner of your eye?
There is a scientific reason for this, and it’s based on a new cutting-edge discovery in the psycho-cognitive field.
You have something in your brain called the Fovea. (pho-VEE-uh) It is the wide-screen area field of your vision.
The best way to describe the Fovea is by using a picture called a Venn Diagram seen below. The Venn Diagram below illustrates your Foveal field of human vision.

One circle is your left eye’s vision, and the other is your right eye’s vision. They overlap to make what’s called your “Foveal View.”
This is only 2 degrees of your sight where you interpret the highest resolution detail and color. Up to about 5 degrees of the Foveal View you can detect almost full detail and color.
Completely outside of the Foveal View (but still in your line of sight) is called your “periphery.” This sight is low resolution, tuned to motion and contrast only, not color or detail.
Foveal Vision and Locating Morels
Now that we understand how our vision translates information into our brain, we can better understand why finding Morel Mushrooms is so difficult.
We cannot see the mushrooms out of the corner of our eyes (because of our periphery) and therefore, we can only see them in our Foveal View. (Again, this is our highest reception of color and detail and is only about 2 to 5 degrees of your total vision.)
A very small range...
The only way to find more mushrooms, then, is to SLOW DOWN when we are looking because we need to see them in our Foveal View.
Admittedly, this is very hard to do due to the fact that this only makes of 2-5 degrees of our total sight!
So in this “fast paced” world we live in, how can we learn to slow down and see more mushrooms that can only be seen in our Foveal View?
More specifically, practice standing still LONGER to allow for your sight to see more detail in your Foveal View. More mushrooms will "jump out" at you.
The best mushroom hunters (the ones who find the most mushrooms) only find more mushrooms that you because they stand still longer.
An expert rule of thumb for morel hunting is for every one minute you walk, you should stand and look for the mushroom for SIX.
A 6 to 1 ratio.
This is very hard to do, but if you can practice and learn that the slower you go the more mushrooms you’ll spot, you can increase your yearly bounty easily by 100%. And probably a lot more too.
That means if you find 100 mushrooms in a season, you may find as many as twice that amount by simply understanding how your sight works, its limitations, and that you must simply learn to stand still more.
One way to get better at this is to actually time yourself on two points of data.
• How long you walked on your mushroom hunt (total time)
• How long you stood still on your hunt (total time)
Subtract the time you stood from the total time you hunted. Then, divide your answer by the total number you hunted. This will tell you how long you walked. Shoot for 17% or less.
Here’s the formula:
t = total time hunted
s = total time stood still
T = total time walking
(t-s)/t = T (x 100)
Here’s an example:
You hunted for 100 minutes(t). You stood for 80 minutes(s).
Did you stand for enough time (goal 17%) to increase our mushroom bounty?
Let’s see the calculation below:
100 minutes total hunt (t) – 80 minutes standing still (s) =
20 minutes walking total
20 minutes divided by 100 (t) = .20 (T)
Multiply .20 times 100 to get the percent (.20 x 100 = 20%)
We walked 20% of total time hunted. Did you reach your goal?
No, you missed your goal of 17% by just 3%. Not bad though.
Again, your goal is a 1:6 radio. Walk one minute (17%) and stand and look for six minutes (83%).
This translates into standing and looking for about 83% of your total time in the field. And only about 17% walking.
Yes, that seems like a lot of standing because it is! However, if you can get this SINGLE task down, you’ll substantially increase your mushroom bounty. I promise!
Please respond if you found this article helpful. It is the most cutting edge information available, and it is my goal to use science to help you all find more mushrooms.
Thanks for reading. :-)
Garrett Todd
1 comment:
Why don't you just tell us your favorite hunting spot :C)
Dang we need soem rain.
Looking in all my sweet spots and coming up empty in Kalamazoo
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